How Does Your State of Mind and Living Conditions Affect Your IQ?

11 Oct, 2022
How Does Your State of Mind and Living Conditions Affect Your IQ?

A multicenter questionnaire-based study was conducted in a cross-sectional observation. Questionnaires include the parent's educational attainment, occupation, family income, and physical activities of the participants. According to research, children raised in an optimal environment can reach their full genetic potential.

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The parent's educational level can significantly and positively influence a person's IQ as children observe them daily. Their interactions shape the children's behavior, which can continue until middle adulthood. Studies also showed that children with highly educated parents get more time doing engaging and helpful activities based on their age and cultivating their talents. The same result showed up in the association with a parent's occupation and the cognitive performance of their children.

Family income may not always be reciprocal to the parent's education and occupation, but it's one factor that could affect the person's IQ. A low-income family in a place with limited natural resources will have poor nutrition, no interest in learning, and a hostile environment (poor relationship with family, parent abuse, poor parenting) that won't give them a chance to develop their IQs.

Physical activities, especially with children, are beneficial. As the body does some vigorous activities, it boosts the blood, provides more oxygen to the brain, and gives the energy to think. Doing more than 5 hours a week could improve a person's cognitive performance, specifically in abstract reasoning, problem-solving and academic achievement.